Charges mentioned here are only for the product being serviced periodically/regularly as per the terms and condition
of the company.
These Service Charges are valid till next intimation
Travelling charges, outside municipal limits are to be paid extra @ Rs. 2/km
Taxes will be charged extra, over and above the mentioned charges.
Cleaning services available on cost basis only.
Authorized service center can’t charge more than above prescribe rates from customer under any circumstances
Service technician must give the cash memo/receipt to the customer.
These charges do not include any type of civil work. The hole for the exhaust pipe, to go out and the cutting of
the stone/slab for Hob installation to be arranged by customers only.
In case the customer enters into any arrangement to do any civil work with the service provider, it will not be
within the scope of any warranty or service arrangement and the Company will not be responsible for any deficiency
in the service on this count.
It is recommended that a 6" Dia. PVC Pipe is installed by the customer for ducting to take the smoke out of the
kitchen, The pipes, bends and clips etc needs to be provided by the customer only. In case the customer uses the
services of the service provider in procuring the same then the commercial terms should be settled well in advance
to avoid any future mis-understanding.
Wherever the site visit is required for marking the civil work or stone cutting, 50% of the installation charges
will need to be paid in advance, these will be adjusted at the time of final installation on completion of the
Out-station calls will be attended as per the case- to-case basis depending on the distance and the actual fare
will be charged. All commercials will be discussed before the job is taken to avoid any confusion.
Re-installation will be considered as new installation and above charges will be applicable.
If Installation done by other than Authorized person, any complaint related to the installation will be treated as
new installation and charges as above will be applicable.
Demonstration of any product like Food Processor/ Juicer Mixer Grinder / Mixer Grinder / Mini Chopper / Induction
Cooker / OTG at home the visit charges will be applicable. However customer may visit the nearest service center
along with product for Free Demo after fixing an appointment.
Plastic / Rubber and Glass parts are not covered under warranty.
Cost of the Spare Parts (in,out pipe,fastners) if used any will be extra.
Cooktop installation on LPG is on chargeable basis.
Site visit charges 250/- balance will be pay after installation
Customers to arrange on their own Plumbing/Electrical/Carpentry works if any.
Uninstallation due to any manufacturing defect/damage will be done by company on free cost of basis.