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Significance of buying Chimneys on Independence Day

India got Independence from the 200 years of British rule on the night of 14th August 1947 and since then August 15th is celebrated as Independence Day.

It’s a national holiday and all the establishments, schools & colleges are closed on this day to celebrate the Freedom

In 2007 on the 60th Independence Day Glen came out with a novel idea of offering Electric Chimney at 60% discount over the MRP to give the Indian Women Freedom from Smoke and Grime on the Independence Day.

The offer was hugely successful and since then every year Glen has been coming out with attractive offers on Chimneys every Independence day.

As the years pass we are improving on the technology, the Landline phones were replaced by Mobile phones, and then these were upgraded to smart phones with touch sensors.

The development continued in all other gadgets like refrigerators and Microwave ovens.

So we want more and more touch in our life.

Glen true to its philosophy of changing with the times and customer’s preferences has introduced a range of Touch sensor chimneys where just by a touch of finger the Chimney operations can be controlled.

To experience the touch sensor chimneys:

This Independence Day Glen 0ffers up to 50% Discount on the Touch Sensor Chimneys, a golden opportunity to upgrade to an advanced technology and better product at attractive prices.


To know more, you can reach out to us via Helpline 9717156666 or write to us via social media platforms.


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